Coming up this week on RealCentralVA – 16 June 2008

– One thing that didn’t make it in last week’s Daily Progress story

– (Hopefully) more on homeowner’s insurance and vacant houses – about 33% of the houses currently on the market in Central Virginia are vacant – so this is a very pertinent issue.

– A breakdown of the state of the Central Virginia (including Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson – not Louisa) real estate market by price range.

– Duplicate content on real estate blogs – good, bad, indifferent?

– I’m sure going to try to do a market update for Waynesboro and Augusta.

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  1. Pingback: Charlottesville and Albemarle Sold properties by price range | Real Central VA

  2. Pingback: Vacant Homes and Homeowners’ Insurance | Real Central VA

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