Twitter Week in Review

  • RT @robhahn: i hate hate hate HATE HATE syncing contacts across multiple accounts & machines… [Sell your soul to the Google] #
  • RT @ChadRatliff: "Everybody is to blame–parents, students, educational establishment, government leaders, (cont) #
  • @TBoard Exported? You(r site) moving? in reply to TBoard #
  • Having an all-too-rare family day today. Only a wee bit of real estate stuff, ending with my soccer game tonight. #
  • @joemeade @steinarknutsen I saw one of those yesterday in my neighborhood. Very scary-looking. in reply to joemeade #
  • @AndyKaufman It's a pretty safe conclusion that in today's world the only safe, private conversations are the ones not had. in reply to AndyKaufman #
  • @aimeefausser yep. The Corner seems to have lost its summer slow-down as of this week. in reply to aimeefausser #
  • @gingerw Thank you by the way. #
  • Got the wife a DroidX. Suggestions for apps? #
  • Struggling with something I've never dealt with in my entire career. If only real estate were just about the land, house, etc … #
  • RT @nobuhata: New home sales were unaffected by tax credit~Yun. #ls10 #ypnsummit [New as in new construction?] #
  • @BeeRealty are they changing any of the guidelines re: Calls to Action? Specifically re: brokerage size? in reply to BeeRealty #
  • RT @TheOnion: American Voices: Joblessness Not A Factor In Stimulus Money [b/t Onion & Daily Show, who needs MSM?] #
  • @SCREALTORS Did you ever link to thr CTA policy change re: brokerage size? in reply to SCREALTORS #
  • @ktgeek @NRVLiving and now I have "The Gambler" stuck in my head. in reply to ktgeek #
  • RT @NRVLiving: Sometimes, in a real estate transaction, the best thing to do is walk away. Thankfully, my buyer seems to understand that. #
  • RT @1070WINA: Brian Wheeler Resigns From Albemarle School Board [wow. Too bad] #
  • RT @jcunwired: @davewiner Cville is a great community. Lots active in social space, should you ever return a (cont) #
  • RT @respres: Remembering Joe Ferrara via @billlublin #
  • I'm liking this "kid w/ learner's permit needs to drive." I've eaten good breakfasts this week while being driven to town. #
  • @FredAnderson have an hour tonight? in reply to FredAnderson #
  • Bing's maps may be better, but Google allows much easier embedding of maps. #
  • Inbox 8751. Take that, Inbox Zero! #
  • RT @WhatTheyKnow: Google CEO: If I look at enough of your messaging and location, and use AI, I can predict (cont) #
  • @robhahn I don't know the solution, but the current system is broken beyond repair in reply to robhahn #
  • @robhahn A great question. Congress is broken. People are apathetic/ignorant. Judicial is perceived to biased. in reply to robhahn #
  • @robhahn I trust the majority of voters to do more research before voting than before choosing what to Tivo or whether to buy a house in reply to robhahn #
  • @robhahn in fairness, do you really trust the majority of voters? To be informed, thoughtful & competent? in reply to robhahn #
  • RT @1000wattbrian: Restaurants don't call me an "eater" – why does real estate call me a "buyer" or "Seller?" #
  • I'm at Eppie's (412 E. Main St., Charlottesville). #
  • Talking to Google Apps support. Email is wonky. #
  • Looking at the most egregious violation of Realtor/real estate agent marketing/lack of disclosure/misleading info I've ever seen. #
  • @justincbeck I'd much rather have a Japanese place than a Denny's. Wouldn't go to either, but if I'm rathering … #GoldenCorral in reply to justincbeck #
  • @vablood I've tried to give blood 4x in past month & have been unable to. Too busy, phones not working, mixed up bags, inconvenient hours in reply to vablood #
  • Just saw a sign on the old Golden Corral: "Hibachi Bar&Grill." I thought that was going to be Denny's. #
  • Sad, depressed, indifferent, apathetic. Congress is Broken; We Need to Start Over. #
  • Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review: Kevin Hassett – Bloomberg #
  • RT @TomRoyce: Our future Health Care System – – Do not look at until you have had your coffee. [It's all free, right?] #
  • Wondering what if. What if Google bought Wal-mart? #
  • RT @Ribeezie: A Look Back at the Last 5 Years in Blogging – #
  • RT @latimestot: Letterman: Well, Pres Obama has stimulated one part of the nation's economy. Alcohol consumption is up #
  • @gregslateragent better to start oil conservation smaller; like the soccer mom idling her car w/ AC running today. For 30 minutes. in reply to gregslateragent #
  • RT @TomRoyce: @PhxREguy @JimDuncan We are not the right constituency. #goinggalt [gonna drive me to drink early] #
  • @TomRoyce @PhxREguy the majority of the complacent, ignorant get what they deserve (or more), but what about those of us who aren't? in reply to TomRoyce #
  • @PhxREguy I'd wager more Americans know Favre's retiring, Clinton got married but don't know who's getting confirmed to SCOTUS in reply to PhxREguy #
  • RT @robhahn: I now believe that Federal regulation of real estate agents is well on its way… just a matter of time [mind bending] #
  • RT @alexismadrigal: What's it mean that the spill was less than 1% of our annual oil consumption?We have to deal with the system,not just BP #
  • RT @terek55: RT @chris_stover "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life." — Winston Churchill #
  • .@jaemery a lot would depend on consumers' willingness/ability to pay for actual services rather than strict contingency basis. in reply to jaemery #
  • RT @jaemery: So what would a brokerage look like that based commission split no just on volume, but on quality of the work? #
  • RT @mattdollinger: New requirement for real estate professionals – Passion – cuz if u don't love your job your clients will suffer. #
  • Status quo is perpetuated by bureaucracy & inertia as much as by intent. #
  • @tlinkous mind following me? I have a DM for you. #
  • @SarahStelmok ha. I'm at VAR discussing legislative matters. Mind-numbing frustration. Bureaucracy rules. in reply to SarahStelmok #
  • There are so many levels, hurdles, politics,to legislatively raising the real estate agent bar that actually raising the bar is impossible #
  • Are real estate agents professional? (In Pennsylvania) #
  • 2 closings tomorrow with same lender; he leaves town w/o telling anyone. We learn about it thanks to his autoresponder. #
  • Pay to play sports in Albemarle County Schools #
  • Early indications are that "leadership" may once again be the roadblock. #
  • Home-Resale Fees – Seemingly a Very Terrible Idea #
  • Inception was quite good. Coulda done w/o 30 minutes of commercials though. #
  • @cvcvo @jbouie healthy, respectful conflict is good and educational when approached with open minds. 🙂 in reply to cvcvo #
  • @jbouie @cvcvo Resources spent assessing fault are misused resources better spent on finding solutions. It's a politician's game in reply to jbouie #
  • @jbouie @cvcvo the traveling circus this year celebrating various stimuli & pundits insisting the recession is over. Ignoring deficit also. in reply to jbouie #
  • @cvcvo @jbouie Fault matters less than the fact that the recession persists, despite politicians' statements that it doesn't. in reply to cvcvo #
  • The thing with starting to show houses at 3:30: I need a cup of coffee first. Silly routine. #
  • @mattdollinger realistically, how many real estate bloggers are this invested in the medium/craft? (Fewer than take RE as earnestly) in reply to mattdollinger #
  • Opting out of online tracking preferences, trying to maintain some semblance of privacy. #

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