Trusting Zillow, Trulia,, etc

Public Service Announcement:

I hate to pick on Zillow, Trulia or (frankly, I’m surprised by

1: If you’re looking for a house in Charlottesville to see today, use a site that is trusted as having a current, local feed from the Charlottesville MLS.

RealCentralVA’s search

Nest’s search

– The local Realtor Association’s site.

2: Maybe the big sites aren’t picking up the “Contingent” status as “Under Contract” – maybe they’re waiting for “Pending”

3: Two doesn’t really matter. The data’s not right.

4: Ultimately, bad data might not matter to consumers; they’re still going to use the big sites.

5: Seeing the house still being listed on all the other sites leads to confusion, mistrust and frustration – on behalf of everyone involved.

House - Charlottesville, VA 22911 - Zillow

House - Charlottesville, VA 22911 - Trulia

3136 Turnberry Cir Charlottesville VA - Home For Sale and Real Estate Listing - MLS #508413 -®.jpg

CAAR Doesn’t have it.

My site doesn’t have it.

Search all homes for Sale in Charlottesville MLS - Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa,

(Visited 181 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. Simon Campbell April 4, 2013 at 08:20

    Great graphics. There needs to be more blogs about this fact. The average consumer believes Zillow and Trulia are infallible. How many hours are wasted by potential buyers as they sort through these sites looking for property, only to realize that the one they fall in love with does not exist in the local system and the ones that just came on the market cannot even be found on Zillow or Trulia?


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