Houses 10 Miles from City Center?

So what’s out there?

These links will die soon, so here’s a dropbox link with results of the search.

  • Looking for homes in Charlottesville and Albemarle
  • With at least 2 bedrooms
  • At least 2 bathrooms
  • 10-ish miles from my office near Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall
  • Under $400K
  • At least 1,000

37 active listings and 138 under contract, as of 4pm-ish on 16 May 2021.

That’s not a great ratio for people looking to buy in Charlottesville or Albemarle, or frankly, for our society or community.

I don’t know the solution, but there has to be one.

I do find good insight in the Charlottesville Land Use twitter thread that I’ve put together.


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