Belvedere and Wickham Pond

The County has finally approved the latest Neighborhood Model planned development – Belvedere, about which I have previously written. The County’s constant delaying tactics have, due to market forces in my opinion, most likely driven up the prices of these properties, once they get built. A more efficient process would help both developers and the general public; by streamlining the process, everybody would be playing by the same set of rules, rather than always-morphing “guidelines.” Belvedere has taken almost 7 years to gain approval (login is public/public). This is, and should regarded as unacceptable. November 8 is the time to voice your disapproval for the current process.

WINA and the DP report.

Update: Cvillenews reports with good links and details.

What will the impact be of adding up to 775 units to East Rio Road?

Wickham Pond’s approval has been delayed until December. In a possible moment of clarity, Supervisor Ken Boyd asked, ““Just how far ahead of infrastructure do we want to get with these developments?”” (emphasis mine)

Darned good question. Read that again.

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