Leadership Academy

I am going to be gone next week, Tuesday through Thursday, attending the VAR Leadership Academy. This is a year-long program that is comprised of three retreats and is designed to – you guessed it – shape and develop better leaders. Our first assignment has been to read The Timeless Leader, a fascinating conglomeration of leaders throughout history and the corporate correlations and applications.

Entering this first retreat I am excited to learn and grow, remiss about being away from my family (a good argument can be made here for a new MacBookPro for me and an iSight for the family) and a bit skeptical and wary as I have hear countless graduates from last year’s class refer to it as a “life-changing” experience. We’ll see.

I am setting my expectations at a reasonable level so that I will hopefully have them far exceeded. I’ll let you know.

This year the Leadership Academy; next year I hope to attend the Sorenson Institute.

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