The Most Important Home Inspection in the New Construction Process

The most important home inspection in the new construction process …

I tend to represent a lot of buyers who are building new homes in the Charlottesville area, and while I know which builders to trust and and which ones to be more wary of, I advise my buyers to always have home inspections at various phases of the building process. Trust but Verify.

Framing in Charlottesville

Having a home inspection at various phases of the home construction process is crucial; one of the home inspectors I use told me that this inspection phase is the most difficult and challenging one as there is so much more to look at. Think about the details in the picture above that simply aren’t visible when the drywall and paint are in place.

While the Albemarle County building inspectors are actually inspecting now (they were ridiculously overworked in the boom years – some working well over 12 hour days to try to keep up with the volume of new homes), it’s still a good idea to have another set of eyes.

Little mistakes like this won’t get caught in the final home inspection.

Little things matter

(and yes, I like my new iPhone and its camera)

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