Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors’ 2015 Market Report

Charlottesville Albemarle median home prices

Dig in. Ask questions.

Short takeaways when looking at the Charlottesville area market report:

  • Inventory remains low.
  • Prices are up (mostly)
  • These are broad-brush stats; your market will vary.
  • If you’re considering buying or selling in the Charlottesville area, use this report as a baseline; then do research specific to your needs/wants/goals/market.
  • We’re going to be releasing our Nest Report shortly.
  • Ask questions.
  • Download the Charlottesville  2015 Market Report

Questions about the market? Ask anytime.


Quick update: Jenna Dagenhart with NBC 29 did a nice segment on the market report.

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