The Rio Road Grade Separated Interchange Project – Live!

What they are doing at the intersection of Rio and 29 in Charlottesville is amazing.


Time-Lapse Construction of 29 and Rio Road in Charlottesville
Time-Lapse Construction of 29 and Rio Road in Charlottesville


I don’t know if this project is going to actually make traffic more efficient, but it sure is incredible to watch. Watch it here, but try to not spend too much time checking out the progress.
Thanks to Neil for the explanation of just how much dirt they’re moving


Starting the night of the 22nd, the construction crews will begin digging out the asphalt (about three feet deep) and earth required to construct the bridge in the center of the intersection.  Two different milling crews will utilize two ten hour shifts and a total of thirty trucks to move the 60,000 yards of dirt and millings from the Grade Separated Interchange project up US 29 to the Berkmar Extended project where it will be stockpiled.

All 60,000 yards of dirt and millings will be cleared from the site by June 15, 2016.  To be clear, a fleet of 30 trucks will be going up and down US29 for 20 hours everyday for 23 days.  It will be an intensive, albeit short, clearing period.


The plan calls for the bridge beams to be placed starting on May 26th (a mere 39 hours after the intersection closes), with the concrete for the deck itself to be poured on top of the beams in June.


I do like how a simple tweet got me the answer to my question, too!

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