7 Years of Blogging about the Charlottesville Real Estate Market

It’s been a long time since I started writing about the Charlottesville real estate market. This site has become my pensieve; it is easier to google my site for information than it is to remember what I’m trying to say (and this site has links, too). What started as a little blog on a freeware mac blogging platform has become something somewhat bigger – I’d wager that this site is the most widely-read real estate blog in Charlottesville.

To those of you who have read and continue to read, send me tips and thoughts and to the buyers and sellers whom I have met and worked with over the years, I offer a simple and humble thank you.

While the format of this site has changed many times, the intent has not – to provide clear and transparent analysis about the Charlottesville real estate market devoid of spin, reflecting my thoughts and opinions about the local real estate market, local politics affecting real estate and other such matters. Sometimes I write about my phones. Sometimes about technology that makes marketing real estate better for me and for my clients.

I know I’ve written about this before but I can’t find it – while Facebook and Twitter and Google+ and tumblr and posterous and and and and … are hugely ginormous behemoths, I don’t intend to build their real estate online as I do to build my own; my online hub and home remains this blog, and always will.

Make no mistake – the number one thing that writing RealCentralVA has done is forced me and allowed me the path to become a better real estate professional. I know more, I read more, I’m aware of more, I’m aware of more that I don’t know, I understand the context of real estate in the local, state and national economies … by reading, writing and practicing real estate every day, I’m better positioned and prepared to do what I love – represent my clients as I guide them through life-altering decisions.

These are a few stories of note; frankly, with over 3700 stories written since 4 January 2005, I briefly looked at the RealCentralVA archives and picked a few that interested me.

– RealCentralVA has outlasted a lot of others; most notably the Daily Progress’ links prior to 27 March 2008. Apparently blogging is dead. Again.

The Meadowcreek Parkway continues to be a shining example of local governments’ collective inability to work together.

– The Charlottesville bubble blog has been one of the most welcome additions – they’ve provided rattling insight and opinions. One day I’ll find out who they are. For now, I’m happy to reflect on the interviews with them.

I’m now riding my bicycle as often as possible to show houses.

– We launched a new real estate brokerage – Nest Realty – (Meet Nest) – that has changed the dynamic of how real estate brokerage is done in Central Virginia. (Have you seen our signs?) Or our community videos?

One of my predictions has rung true. Real estate brokerage continues to shift.

– My blogging philosophy has not changed; I want to write, share my thoughts and opinions and not speak a party line about the real estate market (or anything for that matter)

– As I said in 2009, without this blog, I wouldn’t still be a Realtor.

– I’m using video a lot more now.

– Single agent dual agency, something I have long advocated as horribly bad and beneficial only to the real estate agents involved, while not outlawed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, is going to be much more difficult for Realtors to convince buyers and sellers to agree to. The now-mandated dual agency disclosures are simple and clear, starting with:

1. That following the commencement of dual standard agency, the licensee will be unable to advise either party as to the terms, offers or counteroffers; however, under the limited circumstances specified in subsection C, the licensee may have previously discussed such terms with one party prior to the commencement of dual standard agency;

All told, it’s been a fascinating seven years. I am entering my 10th year of being a real estate agent, and love what I do and love my clients. Every day brings new things to learn, new opportunities and new people with whom to work.

I won’t bore you any longer with this brief look at the history of this little site; if you have questions about the Charlottesville real estate market, please contact me anytime. My cell phone is 434-242-7140. I’m happy to talk (almost) anytime.

If you’re so inclined, please subscribe to updates, either by email or RSS. I sincerely appreciate your time, comments and reading.

PS –

1 – If you’re a consumer trying to understand the market, please feel free to contact me anytime; challenge me, question me – I’m always open to conversations about real estate.

2 – If you’re a real estate agent who wants to “blog for leads” – DON’T. Write for yourself and for understanding. You and your blog will be better for it. Consumers aren’t stupid; they know when you’re not being genuine or authentic.

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