Albemarle County Development Review

Everybody’s talking about it –

Albemarle County is seeking the public’s feedback on the development process.  One thing is true – the County does an excellent job of soliciting the public’s input. Now, if only the public will speak.

From a discussion at Cvillenews:

I’m not sure these are the metrics you ask for, but from 2002 to 2004 in a poll done by the county the level of satisfaction of growth area residents dropped by 17 percent . I assume this is a (reflection) of how people view their quality of life.

Now, if we can only get a regional survey that incorporates all of the impacted counties …

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  1. C September 19, 2006 at 16:33

    “Now, if we can only get a regional survey that incorporates all of the impacted counties …”

    Agreed….a regional planning authority with some authority would be ideal. But it ain’t in the cards for Virginia localities. So we ought to get over it and stop griping that Albemarle’s smart growth policies are causing growth to spill into other localities. If Greene wants to pave itself over with shopping centers, they can have at it. Let’s face it, Cville/Albemarle is a desirable place to live and it’s not Albemarle’s fault that Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and other counties don’t have the foresight to protect their rural areas and direct growth into the right places.

  2. Jim Duncan September 21, 2006 at 07:03

    I think that the time is right to seriously consider and advocate for regional taxing authorities that will get this – tax the region and keep the money in that region . The greatest difficulty is getting beyond the seeming desire of the localities to be and express their autonomy.

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